How to Test and Remove Asbestos in Your Wilmette Property

Written by :- Axis Response Group

March 24, 2020

Asbestos is a group of minerals that was once commonly used in floor tiles, pipe insulation, vehicle breaks, clutches, and more. Asbestos is made up of a number of minerals, including amosite, chrysotile, anthophyllite, and tremolite, among others.

Since asbestos is now considered to be a health hazard, it is banned from use in insulation or other construction materials. However, if your Wilmette property still contains asbestos, it’s strongly recommended that you take the necessary steps to remove it.

In this post, we’re going to discuss the best ways to test and remove asbestos in your Wilmette property:

1. Time of Construction

The first and most important step is to find out when the property was constructed. Almost all buildings constructed prior to the 1980s contain a large amount of asbestos. Even the ones built later could still contain asbestos if older materials were used during their construction.

2. Age of the Material

Another option is to lookup the product name and manufacturer on the material’s label to find out its asbestos content, if any. You can also look at the date on the label to determine the age of the material, which can reveal a lot about its risk of containing asbestos. Any factory, warehouse, office building, or residential property that was constructed between the 1940s and 1980s is likely to have used asbestos-containing materials. Although asbestos was banned from use and phased out after the ’80s, some parts of the building could still contain asbestos. If the property was constructed after 1995, it is safe to assume that there are no asbestos material present.

3. Observe the Joints

Back in the day, it was a common practice to join asbestos sheets together with aluminium runners on the interiors of buildings. If you notice a design like this, it could be a sign that the building was constructed using asbestos materials. Also, inspect any adhesives used to join materials together, since they can also contain asbestos.

4. Surface Pattern Analysis

Closely analyze the surface pattern of different materials used in the construction. Asbestos materials often have patterns that appear like shallow craters or dimples covering the surface. Modern materials have a smoother texture. Even though this might not be a fool proof identification method, if you notice a wrinkled or dimpled pattern on the surface, it’s enough to warrant further asbestos testing.

5. Inspect Exterior Building Materials

Asbestos was used to make a number of exterior materials as well. Some of the most common of these include roofing and siding materials. Asbestos was also sometimes added to cement used on the exterior of buildings to provide additional insulation. This type of material appears like a thin piece of concrete with fibers running through it.

6. Check Common Asbestos Areas

There are certain areas of the home that are much more likely to contain asbestos than others. These include:

  • Insulation: Asbestos was commonly always used for insulation, especially in the attic areas
  • Ceiling tiles
  • Interior wall paint
  • Putty used for windows
  • Siding: Asbestos was used in siding to increase its strength and fire resistance
  • Drywall
  • Floor tiles
  • Underlay of carpets
  • HVAC ducts
  • Asbestos cement pipes

Are You Looking for an Asbestos Testing and Removal Company in Palatine?

Is your home or business space under attack by asbestos? If you are in need of an asbestos testing and removal expert in Wilmette, then Axis Response Group is the company to call.

We’ve removed asbestos in numerous commercial and residential properties in the Wilmette area. Our seasoned professionals can help to completely eradicate any asbestos that exists within your property.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!


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