When you plan to have soil delivered for a construction or other project, you must demonstrate that the soil is uncontaminated. Contaminated soil poses a number of health risks to workers or residents on the site, as well as the population at large. By obtaining an LPC-662 certification from the source operator where you will get the soil, or completing an LPC-663 certification on the soil you receive, you can prove that the soil you intend to use is appropriate.

LPC-662 Certification (Source Site Certification)
One way to establish that you have complied with regulations concerning uncontaminated soil is to request a copy of LPC-662 certification from the organization that will be providing the uncontaminated soil. In order for the soil used in construction or in any fill operation to be ruled uncontaminated, the owner or operator of the site where the soil was taken must complete and submit an LPC-662 form for approval by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. The form requires applicants to identify the very precise location of the soil in question, including coordinates. Additionally, the owner or operator must describe in detail the current and past uses of the location. Routine testing should show that the soil, presumed to be uncontaminated, has a pH within a range of 6.25-9.0.
LPC-663 Certification (Uncontaminated Soil Certification)
People who are obtaining uncontaminated soil from another entity can also prove that the soil is uncontaminated by having a licensed Professional Engineer test samples from the soil and verify that it meets Illinois EPA standards for uncontaminated soil with a pH between 6.25 and 9.0. To receive this certification, all testing on samples must demonstrate that the soil in question does not exceed maximum allowable concentrations of certain volatile organic compounds or other contaminants. If the location is either commercial or industrial, the Professional Engineer must also sign the certification in order for it to be valid. Construction or industrial site owners and managers do not need to obtain both certifications, but they must be able to demonstrate full compliance for one or the other.
Proving you have uncontaminated soil for your operation requires careful testing and certification. Contact us today to request information and verification for LPC-662 or LPC-663 certification.