Asbestos was once a popular material in construction because it was strong, fire-resistant, and seemingly perfect for everything from insulation to roofing. But as time passed, we learned that the very fibers that made asbestos useful turned out to be extremely dangerous when they were disturbed. This is why safe and proper asbestos abatement became a necessity.
Below, this asbestos removal contractor in Elk Grove Village, Illinois is going to explore the three main ways asbestos is removed, and we’ll also explain which option is best in certain situations.
Encapsulation is a method to put a protective cover over asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) instead of removing them. A kind of sealant is applied to the ACMs to trap the fibers inside and stop them from getting into the air. This method is most effective when the asbestos is not crumbling, cracking, or breaking apart or in areas where removal would not be risky or expensive.
In Elk Grove Village, Illinois, asbestos regulations are strict. For example, if you are removing a large amount of asbestos, you need to notify authorities at least 10 days before starting the job. Encapsulation can be a good short-term solution for stable ACMs, but it is always best to check with a licensed asbestos professional to see if it is the right approach.
An asbestos removal contractor in Elk Grove Village, Illinois may recommend encapsulation if the asbestos is hidden in places where it is not easily disturbed, like walls, ceilings, or old pipes. But keep in mind that encapsulation is not a permanent solution. Over time, the sealant can degrade, and if you plan to renovate or demolish part of your building in the future, you will still have to deal with the asbestos properly.
Instead of sealing ACMs with a coating, enclosure creates a physical barrier around them. This method is useful when removing asbestos could be too risky or if doing so might cause serious damage to the building.
For example, if asbestos is hidden inside air ducts, behind walls, or under flooring, removing it might stir up more fibers than it is worth. In cases like this, an asbestos removal contractor in Elk Grove Village, Illinois might recommend an enclosure instead.
While enclosure can be a safe and practical solution, it does need ongoing maintenance. If the barrier gets damaged, the asbestos fibers can still escape and pose a health hazard once again. This method also does not completely remove the asbestos. It only keeps it contained. So, if you decide to remodel or demolish in the future, you will still have to properly handle the asbestos before moving forward.
Complete removal
If you want to completely eliminate the risk of asbestos exposure, full removal is your only option. This process involves fully extracting ACMs from the building and disposing of them following strict safety regulations. Full removal is necessary when asbestos is crumbling or deteriorating or if any planned construction work will likely disturb it.
Because improper removal can spread asbestos fibers and contaminate surrounding areas, only trained and licensed professionals should attempt it. An asbestos removal contractor in Elk Grove Village, Illinois will use professional equipment, air filtration systems, and protective gear to make sure the asbestos is safely removed without exposing workers or residents to harmful fibers.
Looking for an Asbestos Removal Contractor in Elk Grove Village, Illinois?
Have you recently found asbestos in your commercial building? Or maybe you suspect it could be there, but you are not sure yet? In either case, if you’re ready to have it safely inspected and, if necessary, removed by a trusted asbestos removal contractor in Elk Grove Village, Illinois, Axis Response Group is the top choice. Contact us today at (773) 427-6811 to learn how we can help.