How to Identify Asbestos Ceiling Tiles in Commercial Buildings: Tips from an Asbestos Removal Company in Buffalo Grove, Illinois

Written by :- Axis Response Group

August 24, 2024

Though it may look and sound simple, identifying asbestos ceiling tiles can be very difficult. This is mainly because asbestos fibers can vary in appearance, and they may not even be visible at first glance. Though it’s not a simple job, it’s still extremely important to keep your building asbestos-free and compliant. Below, this asbestos removal company in Buffalo Grove, Illinois is going to explain how you can identify asbestos ceiling tiles, and we’ll also explain what you can do after you spot them.

What Are Asbestos Ceiling Tiles?

Asbestos ceiling tiles are made from asbestos fibers bonded with vinyl or other hard materials. The glue that holds these tiles in place also usually has some asbestos in it. The building industry used to love these tiles because asbestos is really good at resisting water, chemicals, electricity, and fire. On top of that, it was good for insulation and fireproofing, and it was tough and not too expensive.

But since the world learned about the health risks of asbestos fibers — like mesothelioma, lung cancer, and other non-cancerous diseases and conditions — they stopped using asbestos ceiling tiles. That said, there are still many old commercial buildings that have asbestos tiles, so it is very important that you know how to find and get rid of them safely.

How to Identify Asbestos Ceiling Tiles

It can be hard to spot asbestos ceiling tiles only by looking at them, but there are a few things you can look out for. For example, these tiles are usually light-colored, slightly textured, powdery looking, and might have tiny pinhole marks. They usually come in square or rectangular shapes — like 2×2 or 2×4 feet.

In commercial settings, asbestos ceiling tiles were commonly used in various areas. It’s crucial to inspect all parts of the building, especially if the structure was built sometime in the mid-20th century. If your commercial building was constructed or had ceiling tiles installed between 1920 and 1978, there’s a higher likelihood that the tiles contain asbestos. Checking for a manufacture date or any installation records can provide further clues.

The Importance of Professional Testing

If you think there might be asbestos in your ceiling tiles, the only way to be sure is to have the tiles professionally tested. Asbestos fibers are too tiny to see with the naked eye, so it is best to hire a professional asbestos removal company in Buffalo Grove, Illinois for the job.

When you hire a professional asbestos removal company, you can rest easy knowing that all your building occupants are going to be safe from asbestos exposure. Furthermore, hiring a professional company ensures compliance with all regulations and guidelines set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other governing bodies, giving you peace of mind that the job will be done right.

What to Do If You Discover Asbestos Ceiling Tiles

If you find asbestos ceiling tiles in your commercial building, you don’t want to disturb them because asbestos fibers can become airborne if the tiles are disturbed or damaged. Leave it to a professional asbestos removal company in Buffalo Grove, Illinois to encapsulate and remove any asbestos materials.

Professionals have the necessary tools, and they know what they are doing when it comes to dealing with asbestos. They will evaluate the situation, come up with a removal plan, and make sure everyone in the building stays safe by following all safety precautions.

Looking for an Asbestos Removal Company in Buffalo Grove, Illinois?

Have you recently discovered asbestos in your commercial building? If so, and if you’re ready to have it safely removed by the best asbestos removal company in Buffalo Grove, Illinois, Axis Response Group is the top choice. We have successfully removed asbestos from all types of commercial buildings over the years, and we would be happy to do the same for your property. Contact us today at (773) 427-6811 to learn how we can help.