The Steps Involved in Asbestos Testing and Removal: Insights from a Winnetka Asbestos Testing and Removal Company

Written by :- Axis Response Group

February 24, 2021

Asbestos removal should be carried out by trained professionals who can safely handle, remove, and dispose of asbestos. If proper steps are not followed, and if care is not taken while handling asbestos, it may lead to asbestos exposure. Exposure to asbestos is very harmful, as it may lead to the development of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.

Below, we’re going to discuss some of the steps involved in the Winnetka asbestos testing and removal process.

1. Identification of Asbestos

The first step is to identify whether asbestos is present on your property. For this, an inspection will need to be undertaken. Generally, an asbestos inspection is performed by a professional, and it is done to determine the location and extent of asbestos present on the property.

2. Risk Assessment

Once it has been confirmed that asbestos is present on your property, it’s important that you carry out a thorough risk assessment. This type of plan will list the people who might be at risk after being exposed to the asbestos. It will also specify what methods will be undertaken to control the risks.

3. Licensed Contractor

The next step is to hire a licensed asbestos removal contractor. Hiring a licensed contractor ensures that they hold a valid license and have the necessary training, including the appropriate breathing apparatus and safety gear to safely complete the task. Getting a licensed contractor on board also ensures that all the areas where asbestos is located will be properly sealed off using timber and polythene, creating an enclosure to contain airborne asbestos fibers. Also, the licensed contractor will incorporate air monitoring techniques and measures to ensure that the area is safe for residents to reoccupy the space.

4. Removal

The removal should be carried out by well-trained technicians who are wearing proper respirators and protective gear. The technicians will manually remove the asbestos-containing material using hand tools. Once the material has been removed, it is carefully placed into specialized disposal bags. Special care needs to be taken to ensure that there is no unnecessary breakage of the material, resulting in the release of asbestos fibers into the air. The disposal bags are then properly sealed and disposed at a specialized facility that is reserved for hazardous waste.

5. Decontamination

Decontamination procedures should be strictly followed upon the completion of asbestos removal work. Specific cleaning procedures should be followed to ensure that no asbestos fibers are airborne. Similarly, after all of the asbestos has been removed and the project has been completed, all surfaces in the sealed-off area need to be cleaned in order to remove any remaining residue and debris. Thorough decontamination is carried out by using a high-efficiency particulate arresting (HEPA) vacuum, and by wiping clean all exposed surfaces.

6. Final Inspection

After the work has been completed, the asbestos removal company will organize an independent inspection of the treated area. During this inspection, air and surface samples are taken to make sure that the area is completely safe. If the analyst is satisfied, the enclosure will be dismantled, and it will then be safe for the residents to return to the home.

Are You Looking for an Asbestos Testing, Remediation and Removal Company in Winnetka?

Does your Winnetka home or business space contain asbestos? If you’re in need of an asbestos testing, remediation and removal expert in Winnetka, then Axis Response Group is the company to call.

We’ve removed asbestos in a number of commercial and residential properties throughout the Winnetka area. Our experienced professionals can help to completely eradicate any asbestos that exists within your property.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!


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